RSPI 2023-3


Risorgimento, the Roman Catholic Church and the Partition of Ireland.

James Dingley

The Risorgimento played a major role in UK politics prior to 1914, where its leading figures became household names. Partly this was due to a latent anti- Catholicism in British society but also because the Risorgimento echoed ideas and ideals at the heart of British public life. However, because the Risorgimento identified the Roman Catholic Church as one of its most prominent foes it made it especially dear to British ‘Protestant’ ideas and values.

I negoziati europei per il Next Generation EU

Claudio Catalano

The Covid-19 health emergency and the related lockdowns caused negative economic effects that the European Union (EU) decided to cope with funding plans. Chancellor Merkel, having assumed the European Presidency in the second half of 2020, sponsored the French request for a proposal of a Recovery Fund supported by Commissioners Breton and Gentiloni, then was adopted by the Commission as the Next Generation EU (NGEU).

Le strategie di sicurezza dell’UE. Dall’UO alla Bussola strategica

Emanuele Farruggia

The first military alliance in Western Europe establishing a security organization was the Western Union later renamed the Western European Union. Its founding document, the Brussels Treaty, included a mutual defence clause that was later reflected in Art. 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty. However, it was only in 2003 that the European Union adopted a strategic document, the European Security Strategy (ESS), taking as a model the US Security Strategy.