Professor and Holder of the Chair of European History, Modern and Contemporary History and holder of the Endowed Jean Monnet chair of European Integration History and European Studies at the University of Rostock (since 1996- until r.)
1971-1973 Research Assistant and Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary History. LMU; 1973-1980 Assistant Professor in Modern and Contemporary History at the University of the Armed Federal Forces Munich; Reader in Modern History at The Munich Institute of Technology 1976-1982; 1979/80 Habilitation LMU; 1982-1996 Professor of Modern European History, University of Hamburg, since 1991 additionally holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History.
Honors (selection):1983, 1986/87 Visiting Professor for German and European History, Indiana University Bloomington; 1999 (Spring Semester) Visiting Professor for European History at UGA (University of Georgia, Athens); 2003-2005 Research Visiting Professor Roma La Sapienza; since 2005 Visiting Professor babes-Bolyai University Cluj; 2007 Visiting Research Fellow and Visiting Professor of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Japan; 2007-2011 External Examiner for European Studies, University of Hongkong.
Between his main and most recent publications: Les idées de l’Europe politique au XVIIIe siècle; Perceptions et conceptions de l’Europe au XIXe siècle: Programmes et initiatives politiques pour une Europe commune au XIXe ( Imaginer l‘Europe 1998); Les Europe des Européens: The Perceptions of Europe in the Debates of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of 1949-1953 (1998); La place de l’Allemagne dans l’Europe d’après-guerre selon Jean Monnet 1940-1952 (Jean Monnet et les chemins de la paix 1999); Der Europarat wird 50; Europäischer Völkerbund und ewiger Frieden [European League of Nations and Perpetual Peace] (Festschrift Bahne 2000); Les Länder Allemands et la création de la CECA [The German Länder and the Foundation of the European Community of Coal and Steel] (Bitsch, Le Couple France-Allemagne 2001) Historical Dimensions of German Statehood: from the Old Reich to the New Germany (Arthur Gunlicks (Ed.), German Public Policy and Federalism. 2003, 22004); Europa-Lexikon. Länder – Politik – Institutionen, Becksche Reihe 1506/ 2004, 22007; The German Debate on Europe: Expectations – Positions – Perceptions – Ideas (1945-2005) (Bitsch/Loth/Barthel ed. Cultures politiques, 2007; Deutschland in Europa 1750-2007 Cluj Napoca 2009; Der Deutsche Bund 1815-1866, 2012. Der Wiener Kongress 1814/15, 2014.