Roberto Nigido
Ambassador, retired
Born in Rome, 17th October, 1941
Studies in Political Sciences, University of Rome, 1960-1964
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1965-2008, where he was, inter alia, Director of European Affairs (1988-1993 ) and Director of Economic Affairs (1993-1996 )
Permanent Representation to the European Communities: 1969-1973 and 1984-1988
Consul in Durban ( South Africa ): 1973-1975
Commission of the European Communitities: 1975-1977
Italian Embassy in Somalia: 1981-1984
Diplomatic Adviser of the President of the Council of Ministers: 1996-1998
Ambassador to Canada:1998-2001
Permanent Representative to the European Union: 2001
Ambassador to Argentina: 2001-2005
Diplomatic Adviser of the President of the Republic: 2005-2008
Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel
Former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
Emanuela C. Del Re is the Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel. Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation from 2018 to 2021, she was a member of the Italian Parliament in the XVIII Legislature.
University professor of Political Sociology, specialist in foreign policy, geopolitics and international relations, migration and refugees, conflicts, religious issues, minorities. Her job is characterized by an intense and continuous field research activity in conflict zones with participant observation since 1991 (Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Africa) financed by prestigious national and international institutions.
She also has extensive international observation and negotiation activities for international organizations.
Licensed Associate Professor, she has taught for years at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of La Sapienza University of Rome, where she was also Professor Jean Monnet with a teaching module funded by the European Commission.
From 2016 to 2020 she was elected National Coordinator of the Sociology of Religion Section of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS).
She directs the book series Globolitical in Aracne Edition, Rome.
She is a member of the Scientific Boards of various Italian and international journals. She is the Vice director of the scientific journal “Religions and Society”. She regularly collaborates and is a member of the editorial board of “Limes”. She writes for numerous Italian and international journals and she is an elected member of prominent Think Tanks and international research institutes (including IAI). She is a member of the Board of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and of Initiative Globale pour la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (IGPSA).
Author of essays, books and volumes including Religioni e pandemia in Italia: dottrina, comunità e cura (with Paolo Naso, Rubettino Editore, 2022); Women and Borders: Refugees, Migrants and Communities (with Seema Shekhawat, Tauris, 2018); Pursuing stability and a shared development in Euro-Mediterranean migrations (with Ricardo René Larémont, Arane Editrice, 2017); Il comportamento collettivo. «Via con la pazza folla»: internet, ultras, terrorismo e oltre (Rubbettino Editore, 2021)
She has written and directed scientific documentaries including: We, the Last Christians of Iraq (2015); The Denied Festival. Voice and future of the Yazidis (2014); My Future. With and for the Syrian Refugees (2014), that is considered by the Yazidi community as a document of reference.
PhD in History of the European Society, Research Student at Scuola Storica dell’Istituto Storico per l’Età moderna e contemporanea in Rome. Associated Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, Florence.
Co-director of the book series Il Risorgimento tra Mediterraneo ed Europa, ETS, Pisa; Director of the book series Il lungo Risorgimento delle donne, CET, Florence; Editor-in-chief of «Rassegna Storica Toscana»; Member of the Board of «Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali» and «Ricerche Storiche». He contributes to numerous historical journals. Visiting Professor in many Italian and foreign Universities. He reorganized and catalogued the Giuseppe Vedovato’s archives for the National Central Library of Florence.
Minister Plenipotentiary Giorgio Bosco belonged for over forty years to the Italian diplomatic service. He had various assignment in Rome and abroad: among them, Ambassador to Bolivia and to Myanmar.
To the diplomatic activity he joined the academic one, teaching International organization in the University of Genoa (1983-86), and International law in the National School of Administration (Rome. 1996-99).
He is author of several articles published in specialized quarterlies, and of two essays, one on the settlement of international legal disputes (1989) and one on the jurist Dionisio Anzilotti (2006).
Full Professor (“Catedrático”) emeritus at the University of Lisbon School of Law. He teaches European Law, Public International Law and Administrative Law. Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in European Constitutional Law.He taught as Visiting Professor at the Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg. He was Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Public Comparative Law and International Law, Heidelberg. Advocate, Counsel and Arbitrator ICSID (World Bank), ICC and WTO. Author of more than 180 publications. His main publications: Manual de Direito Internacional Público, co-author: A. Gonçalves Pereira, 3rd. ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 1993: Droit de l’Union eueopéenne – Droit constitutionnel et administratif de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2008; Direito da União Europeia – Direito constitucional e administrativo da União europeia, 3rd. ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2013; Contencioso da União Europeia, co-author: Ana Maria Martins, 2nd. ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2007; A proteção da propriedade privada pelo Direito Internacional Público (with an english summary), Coimbra, Almedina, 1998.
Born in Rome 1928
Diplomatic Service 1952-1987 and since 1981 in the rank of full Ambassador; Vice Consul, Newark, NJ (USA); Embassy Ankara (1957-59), Sofia (1959-62), Caracas (1963-67), Warsaw (1967-69). At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Chief East European and CSCE Desk 1969-1975, Assistant Director General Cultural Affairs 1975-77, General Director of Personnel 1977-80. Ambassador in Bonn 1980-87. In charge of Italian Delegations at the OSCE, 2003-2004 (Warsaw, Berlin, Paris). 1987-2000, Judge in the Council of State, February-May 1996, Undersecretary of State for European Affairs in Italian Foreign Office.
Head of Chair of International Studies and Visiting Professor in many Italian and foreign universities.
Since 1988, Past President, German-Italian Cultural Centre Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (Como Italy) 1986-2007; since 2000 President, Centro Italiano di Studi per la Conciliazione Internazionale, Rome and Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi, Merano; Member of the Board of many institutions and associations (among them: International Strategic Studies, London).
Pubblications: books on Venezuela, on the Italian Foreign Ministry, on the CSCE and as editor of Manuale della politica estera italiana [Handbook on Italian Foreign Policy ] 1947-1993”, Bari, 1996-98 and of Annuario della politica estera italiana [Yearbook of Italian Foreign Policy] 1996, Napoli, 1999. In German a book on Italy and Germany. More than 450 essays and articles (in Italian and German, occasionally in English and French) concerning International Relations and History, particularly on European and security affairs, Eastern Europe, Germany, Italian Foreign Policy.
Professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) since 1993 and Jean Monnet Chair since 2003, ad personam since 2008.
Professional activity at the University and as a legal expert of the European Commission since 1994 (participation in the elaboration of the Amsterdam Treaty, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty) and of the Council of Europe since 1997 (Program of Juridical Assistance for the East European Countries to form magistrates and professors and supervise the legislative adaptation process, 1997-99). Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors since 2010. Member (representative for Spain) of the Réseau UE d’experts indépendants en matière de droits fondamentaux (2002-2006) of the European Commission. Senior Expert of FRANET (Fundamental Rights Agency and European Institute for Gender Equality, Legal Experts Group, 2005-2014). Principal Investigator in several projects of R+D+I, European Programs and High Level Working Groups. Reports for the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Government of Spain (Ministries of Public Administration and Social Affairs), the Governments of Catalonia, Andalusia, Balearic Islands and several private organisations (Bar associations, NGOs). Visiting teacher in different Universities; Member of several Scientific Councils and Observatories. Official evaluator in EAECA, ANEP and AGAUR. Distinction Success Stories (World Reference Jean Monnet Chair). Publication of a dozen of books and more than 100 articles or chapters of books.
Professor and Holder of the Chair of European History, Modern and Contemporary History and holder of the Endowed Jean Monnet chair of European Integration History and European Studies at the University of Rostock (since 1996- until r.)
1971-1973 Research Assistant and Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary History. LMU; 1973-1980 Assistant Professor in Modern and Contemporary History at the University of the Armed Federal Forces Munich; Reader in Modern History at The Munich Institute of Technology 1976-1982; 1979/80 Habilitation LMU; 1982-1996 Professor of Modern European History, University of Hamburg, since 1991 additionally holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History.
Honors (selection):1983, 1986/87 Visiting Professor for German and European History, Indiana University Bloomington; 1999 (Spring Semester) Visiting Professor for European History at UGA (University of Georgia, Athens); 2003-2005 Research Visiting Professor Roma La Sapienza; since 2005 Visiting Professor babes-Bolyai University Cluj; 2007 Visiting Research Fellow and Visiting Professor of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Japan; 2007-2011 External Examiner for European Studies, University of Hongkong.
Between his main and most recent publications: Les idées de l’Europe politique au XVIIIe siècle; Perceptions et conceptions de l’Europe au XIXe siècle: Programmes et initiatives politiques pour une Europe commune au XIXe ( Imaginer l‘Europe 1998); Les Europe des Européens: The Perceptions of Europe in the Debates of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of 1949-1953 (1998); La place de l’Allemagne dans l’Europe d’après-guerre selon Jean Monnet 1940-1952 (Jean Monnet et les chemins de la paix 1999); Der Europarat wird 50; Europäischer Völkerbund und ewiger Frieden [European League of Nations and Perpetual Peace] (Festschrift Bahne 2000); Les Länder Allemands et la création de la CECA [The German Länder and the Foundation of the European Community of Coal and Steel] (Bitsch, Le Couple France-Allemagne 2001) Historical Dimensions of German Statehood: from the Old Reich to the New Germany (Arthur Gunlicks (Ed.), German Public Policy and Federalism. 2003, 22004); Europa-Lexikon. Länder – Politik – Institutionen, Becksche Reihe 1506/ 2004, 22007; The German Debate on Europe: Expectations – Positions – Perceptions – Ideas (1945-2005) (Bitsch/Loth/Barthel ed. Cultures politiques, 2007; Deutschland in Europa 1750-2007 Cluj Napoca 2009; Der Deutsche Bund 1815-1866, 2012. Der Wiener Kongress 1814/15, 2014.
Christopher Hill is Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) of the University of Cambridge, where he is also a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. From 1974-2004 he taught in the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he was the Montague Burton Professor from 1991, Head of Department 1994-1997, and Vice Chair of the Academic Board, 1999-2002.
He has published widely in the areas of foreign policy analysis and general International Relations, his most recent publications being (with Sarah Beadle) The Art of Attraction: Soft Power and the UK’s Role in the World (British Academy, 2014), The National Interest in Question: Foreign Policy in Multicultural Societies (OUP 2013), National and European Foreign Policies, edited with Reuben Wong, (Routledge 2011), and The European Union in International Relations (edited with Michael Smith, 2nd edition 2011). He is a past Chair of the British International Studies Association, and was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2007. He has been a Team Leader and/or major participant in the EU-funded research programmes FORNET, CONSENT and MERCURY.
Bichara Khader is Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Louvain and Founder of the Study and Research Centre on the Contemporary Arab World. He has been member of the Group of High Experts on European Foreign Policy and Common Security (European Commission) and Member of the Group of Wise men on cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean (European Presidency). Currently his is visiting professor in various European and Arab universities. He published some 30 books on the Arab world and on the Euro-Arab, Euro-Mediterranean, EU-GCC and the Euro-Palestinian relations.
Nata a Roma, 1940
Posizione Accademica: Professore di ruolo, a riposo, ancora in servizio a contratto nell’insegnamento di Storia e istituzioni del mondo musulmano nell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano; Membro del Comitato direttivo del Centro di Ricerche sul Sistema Sud e il Mediterraneo Allargato (CRiSSMA) nel predetto Ateneo del Sacro Cuore; Membro del Comitato Scientifico del Centro Studi dei Popoli Extra-Europei, Fondazione C. Bonaccossa, Università di Pavia.
Membro nazionale dell’Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche della Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Napoli. Direttore scientifico del Gruppo italiano di ricerca, partner dal 2010 in un Joint Pakistan-Italian-French Historical and Archaeological Reserch-Project a Banbhore (Sindh-Pakistan). L’unità di ricerca italiana fa capo all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, opera sotto il patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari esteri italiano. Membro dell’Istituto italiano di Affari Internazionali; Membro della Società italiana per le Organizzazioni internazionali; Membro dell’Istituto per l’Oriente Carlo Alfonso Nallino; Membro della Società italiana degli Storici italiani; Membro della British Foundation for Studies on Arabia.
Tema centrale del suo lavoro scientifico è il mondo islamico: le radici antiche dell’oggi. Ha condotto ricerche anche sul campo in Iran; Afghanistan; Asia centrale ex-sovietica (Kirghyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan); Tanzania; mondo arabo (Sultanato dell’Oman, Arabia Saudita, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Bahrain, Kuwait); Vicino e Medio Oriente; Turchia; Pakistan; India.
Born in Rome, 1940
Full Professor rtd. On the basis of an annual contract, she holds a teaching on History and Institution of the Muslim World in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Milan –Italy- Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.
Previous teaching activity: Assistant Professor at Pavia University; Lecturer of Arabic at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; she has also held courses on the Islamic Countries at Trieste University and Milano University; Chair of History and Institutions of Iran and Central Asia in the Oriental Institute of Naples; since 1982 full Professor in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.
Member of the Board of directors of the Centre of Research on the Southern System and Wider Mediterranean (CRiSSMA) in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Studies and Research on non-European Peoples – Bonaccossa Foundation, Pavia University. Member of the Scientific Board of the following journals: «Asia Major», Pavia University and «Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali», Rome; Member of the British Foundation for Studies on Arabia (BFSA), London/UK; National Member of the Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche of the Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti in Naples.
Scientific Director of the Italian Team, partner of the Joint Pakistan-French-Italian Historical and Archaeological Research Project at Banbhore, which takes place since 2010 on the basis of a License granted by the Government od Sidh (Pakistan). The Italian Unit’s research-work takes place under the sponsorship of the Italian Ministry for, Foreign Affairs within the institutional framework of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy.
Field-Work experiences: Iran; Afghanistan; Kirghyzstan; Uzbekistan; Kazakstan; Tanzania; Sultanate of Oman; Syria; Jordan; Israel; Lebanon; Egypt; United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; Pakistan; India.
Main Publications: she has published more than one hundred and fifty articles, plus minor notes and lemma in Italian Encyclopedias. Amongst the main subjects: historiography and Italian contribution to Islamic/Iranian/Eurasian studies; history of the Gulf; Hormuz and its kingdom; the Iranian coastal region, Makran, Baluchistan and Sindh in the Middle ages; Turkish pressure and invasion (VIII-XV centuries AD); Islam: ‘official Islam’ and ‘parallel Islam’; modern/ contemporary security issues.
Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata has served in the Italian Foreign Service between 1973 and 2013 in different capacities. He was Political Director, Ambassador to Israel, Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador to the United States and then appointed in November 2011 Minister of Foreign Affairs until March 2013. He is currently active on issues of foreign and security policy as senior advisor or board member in relevant institutions and organizations.
Current position: full Professor of the Department for Diplomacy Studies, Moscow State University of International Relations (Mgimo); Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Relevant affiliations/memberships: Member of the Russian International Studies Association (RISA); Member of the Expert Board of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) (NGO); Member of the Direction of the Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation (NGO); Member of the International Advisory Board of «The Hague Journal of Diplomacy»; Member of the Scientific Council of «Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali»; Member of the Editorial Review Board for the History of European Integration (Cologne-Stuttgart).
She is author of numerous books and articles on diplomacy, international relations history and theory, Russian foreign policy. Between them: Diplomatia. Modely. Formy. Metody. (in Russian) (Diplomacy Models Forms Methods), Moscow, Aspekt Press, 2014, P.348; Na Perekrestke Sredizemnomoria (ed) (in Russian) (At the Crossroad of Mediterranean), Moscow, Ves Mir. 2011, P. 449; Sovremennaja Model Diplomatii (in Russian) (Modern Model of Diplomacy), Moscow, ROSPEN, 2003; Diplomatia Vaticana v kontekste evoluzii evropeiskoy politicheskoy sistemy (in Russian) (Vatican diplomacy in the context of the evolution of European political system), Moscow, ROSPEN, 2000.