Roberto Nigido
Ambassador, retired
Born in Rome, 17th October, 1941
Studies in Political Sciences, University of Rome, 1960-1964
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1965-2008, where he was, inter alia, Director of European Affairs (1988-1993 ) and Director of Economic Affairs (1993-1996 )
Permanent Representation to the European Communities: 1969-1973 and 1984-1988
Consul in Durban ( South Africa ): 1973-1975
Commission of the European Communitities: 1975-1977
Italian Embassy in Somalia: 1981-1984
Diplomatic Adviser of the President of the Council of Ministers: 1996-1998
Ambassador to Canada:1998-2001
Permanent Representative to the European Union: 2001
Ambassador to Argentina: 2001-2005
Diplomatic Adviser of the President of the Republic: 2005-2008