Matteo Luigi Napolitano is Associate Professor of International History to the Università degli Studi del Molise. He teaches also International Relations and Diplomacy and International Politics. He has earned his Ph.D. at the Università “La Sapienza” of Rome. Erasmus visiting professor to the Chair of International Relations of the Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza-Modrzewskiego (Poland), and to the Lehrstuhl für internationale Politik, Ruhr Universität, Bochum (Germany).
Former advisor to the Italian Foreign Ministry, he is International Delegate of the Pontifical Commitee for Historical Sciences, and was in the board for the EU-funded ”International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries”.
Diplomatic historian. Consultant to the RaiStoria TV-channel, to Histoire TV, Das Erste/ORF and to the Hunting Hitler series aired by History Channel.
He made part of the delegation encharged at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, to deal with pivotal topics on Vatican and Holocaust. In 2020 he has been the Italian speaker to the first UN Conference on Remembering the Holocaust: The Documented Efforts of the Holy See and the Catholic Church to Save Lives.
Among his essays: L’inclemenza di Tito. Santa Sede e Jugoslavia dalla Guerra Fredda al Pontificato di Paolo VI; Galeazzo Ciano e la diplomazia della Santa Sede dagli accordi di Pasqua alla Seconda guerra mondiale; Tra Ginevra e Gerusalemme, Santa Sede, Società delle Nazioni e Luoghi Santi dal 1919 al 1922; Vaticano e Gran Bretagna nella crisi delle Falkland; I Giusti di Budapest (translated in Hungarian); The Vatican Files (translated in Polish); Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli-Giovanni XXIII (translated in Spanish); Pio XII tra guerra e pace; Mussolini e la Conferenza di Locarno.