RSPI 2024-1


Veni Creator Spiritus. La sicurezza europea in una Europa trasformata

Luca Micheletta

The article examines the issue of European security before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and reflects on the scenarios that could arise in the future in relation to the ways in which the conflict itself might end.

Le proposte di riforma dell’architettura istituzionale internazionale in un mondo che cambia

Marco Mugnaini

Faced with the growing critical issues of the international relations system, in recent years various proposals for reform of the international institutional architecture have emerged. this article analyzes the main proposals in the field which, although formulated by different actors in international life and with often competitive intentions, they see at the center of the discussion the roles and balances of the various organizations that make up the UN System.

La fine di un ordine mondiale europeo e la ricerca di un nuovo ordine internazionale

Dario Velo

the european experience, in the centuries ranging from the discovery of america
to the Second World War, saw the alternation between hegemonic attempts by
the most powerful State in that phase and the re-establishment of an international
balance. The Second World War marked the end of this european order, with the
united States and the Soviet union assuming a central role.

i principi originari del liberal inter - national order per un ordine internazionale condiviso

Antongiulio de' Robertis

The achievement of a shared international order becomes all the more necessary
and urgent in consideration of the aggregation, in this phase of international
relations, of more than one rhyme of history, such as: Russia in 1991 with
germany in 1919; the repetition in asia of a J. P. Taylor’s Struggle for Mastery
in Europe and the sleepwalking of the leaders of the great powers which in 1914
led to the Great War.

Palestina, un campanello d’allarme per l’europa

Bichara Khader

October 7,2023 has been a horrific attack with many israelis killed , injured, and
abducted . Israel has been shaken to the core. For Israeli officials, history starts on October 7. i purport, in this article, that october 7 is not the beginning of history: it is the result of a long history of denial, dispossession and humiliation of the Palestinian people.

Rappresentazioni e stereotipi sull’oriente in auguste comte ed ernest Renan

Lucia Martines

The essay aims to focus on the creation of stereotypes, representations and prejudices against islam and the arab world through the study of the cultural segment that takes shape in 19th century France. the path is traced by investigating the thought of two eminent figures of French positivism: Auguste Comte and Ernest Renan. in reference to Comte, particular importance is given to his letter sent in 1853 to the most influential political figure in Ottoman Turkey, Reşid Pasha (1800-1858).

Populism of today

Franco Damaso Marengo

Populism is today a derogatory label that Western political establishments use against political groups which do not share their values. the success of the label has prompted academic circles to try to shape it into a research methodology for the study of political groups rejecting the dominant liberal ideology.

Prerequisites of the transnistrian conflict in the history of the Moldovan region (c. XVii-XX).

Tatiana Rostovetska - Andriy Karashchuk

To analyse the process of settlement of the transnistrian conflict within the context of geopolitical circumstances, it is considered necessary to highlight the differences in the history of Bessarabia and Transnistria, to research ethnic and political specificity of the region, i.e. everything that shaped the historical prerequisites of the conflict.