Matteo Luigi Napolitano is Associate Professor of International History to the Università degli Studi del Molise. He teaches also International Relations and Diplomacy and International Politics. He has earned his Ph.D. at the Università “La Sapienza” of Rome. Erasmus visiting professor to the Chair of International Relations of the Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza-Modrzewskiego (Poland), and to the Lehrstuhl für internationale Politik, Ruhr Universität, Bochum (Germany).
Former advisor to the Italian Foreign Ministry, he is International Delegate of the Pontifical Commitee for Historical Sciences, and was in the board for the EU-funded ”International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries”.
Diplomatic historian. Consultant to the RaiStoria TV-channel, to Histoire TV, Das Erste/ORF and to the Hunting Hitler series aired by History Channel.
He made part of the delegation encharged at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, to deal with pivotal topics on Vatican and Holocaust. In 2020 he has been the Italian speaker to the first UN Conference on Remembering the Holocaust: The Documented Efforts of the Holy See and the Catholic Church to Save Lives.
Among his essays: L’inclemenza di Tito. Santa Sede e Jugoslavia dalla Guerra Fredda al Pontificato di Paolo VI; Galeazzo Ciano e la diplomazia della Santa Sede dagli accordi di Pasqua alla Seconda guerra mondiale; Tra Ginevra e Gerusalemme, Santa Sede, Società delle Nazioni e Luoghi Santi dal 1919 al 1922; Vaticano e Gran Bretagna nella crisi delle Falkland; I Giusti di Budapest (translated in Hungarian); The Vatican Files (translated in Polish); Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli-Giovanni XXIII (translated in Spanish); Pio XII tra guerra e pace; Mussolini e la Conferenza di Locarno.
PERSONAL STATEMENT Retired. Former Professor of Environmental Economics
01/11/2013–31/12/2018 Director of EuroSapienza Research Centre on “European, International and Development
Studies” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
Business or sector Research and Teaching
01/11/2011–31/10/2019 Full Professor of Environmental Economics and Economics of Tourism
SAPIENZA University of Rome – Department of Economics and Law
Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, 00161 Rome (Italy)
Research and Teaching
Business or sector Higher Education
15/01/2005–03/11/2011 Director and chief executive
SPES Development Studies – Research Centre at SAPIENZA University of Rome, Rome
Research and Higehr Edcuation
Business or sector Higehr Edcuation
01/11/2000–31/10/2011 Full Professor of Rural Development
Faculty of Economics – SAPIENZA University of Rome
Research and Teaching
Business or sector Higehr Edcuation
15/09/1975–31/10/1992 Researcher in Political Economy
Department of Politcal Economy – University of Florence
Via Curtatone 1, 50127 Florence (Italy)
Research and Teaching
Business or sector Higher Education
01/11/2001–31/10/2010 President of the Scientific Committtee
SAPIENZA University of Rome
Teaching – Laurea Degree and Master on City and Regional Planning
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Business or sector Higehr Edcuation
01/11/1992–31/10/2000 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Faculty of Economics – SAPIENZA – University of Rome
Research and Teaching
01/09/1996–21/07/2001 Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) ISCED 6
University of Wales – College of Cardiff – School of City and Regional Planning
Glamorgan Building King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA (United Kingdom)
City and Regional Planning
01/11/1969–02/07/1974 Laurea Degree in Economics ISCED 5
University of Florence
Via Curtatone 1, 50127 Florence (Italy)
Economics od Natural Resources: from David Ricardo to Recent Politica Economy
2015-2016: Member of the Expert Group on “Nature Based Solutions and Renaturing Cities”
organized by the European Commission – Directorate-General For Research & Innovation,
Directorate I – Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of Professors in the Italian University
– Disciplinary Group SECS-P/06
Member of Quality Assessment of Teaching at SAPIENZA University of Rome
Reviewer for Three International Journals
Member of the Assessment Committee of National Research Projects. Ministry of University
Member of the Assessment Committee of Local Research Projects. University of Padova
(Italy), University of Cagliari (Italy)
Research interests:
Research Methods in the Sustainability Science: the role of Political Economy.
Economics of Sustainable Tourism
Economics of Natural Resources
Environmental Economics
Rural Development in Developing Countries.
Sustainability Development Strategies.
Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, born in Rome (Italy) in 1974, Italian national.
Full Professor of International Law at the University of Macerata (Italy), Department of Law (as of 2 May 2017).
National Scientific Qualification as a Full Professor of International Law (Sector 12/E-1), call for candidatures 2013.
Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Macerata (Italy), Department of Law (as of 1 October 2012).
Researcher in International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rome I “La Sapienza” (from 2006 to 2012).
Research Assistant (Assegnista di ricerca) in International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rome I “La Sapienza” (from 2002 to 2006).
Ph.D. (Dottore di ricerca) in International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rome I “La Sapienza” (2002).
Visiting researcher at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne (Switzerland, 1999), at the Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht of the University of Heidelberg (Germany, 1999), and at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht – Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private Law and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany, 2000).
Attender at the Courses on Private International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague (Netherlands, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2007).
Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Cambridge (U.K.), Faculty of Law (1998).
Degree in Law cum laude at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1996).
AiSDC Prize (prize of the Association of Alumni and Friends of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law) 2010, awarded to his monograph “Litispendenza e connessione internazionale. Strumenti di coordinamento tra giurisdizioni statali in materia civile” (Lis pendens and related actions as instruments of coordination between national jurisdictions in civil matters), Naples, Jovene Editore, 2008. Participant in a European Research Project financed by the European Commission within the Call for Proposals “JUSTCIV 2013” (Civil Justice 2013), title of the project: “The Europeanization of Private International Law of Successions”, code of the project: JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4000004710. Coordinator institution: University of Rome “La Sapienza”; Partners: University of Macerata; Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna; University of Cologne (Germany); University of Madrid “Carlos III” (Spain). Contributor to the volume “The EU Succession Regulation. A Commentary”, ed. by A.-L. Calvo Caravaca, A. Davì and H.-P. Mansel, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, published as a result of the said project, where he contributed with comments to Arts. 5-12 and 14-18 of Regulation (EU) No. 650/2012, concerning jurisdiction in matters of succession.
Departmental Coordinator for the Erasmus+ Programme, Department of Law, University of Macerata (as of 1 October 2013). Lecturer of European Union Law at the 10th Edition of the Murdoch Summer School, established by the Murdoch University (Perth, Australia) based on a bilateral agreement with the Department of Law of the University of Macerata (July 2017). Member of the Study Group on “Cross-Border Insolvency and National Legal Orders” established in 2016 within the Italian National Committee of the International Law Association (ILA-Italy).
Francesco Bonini (Reggio Emilia, 1957) is Full Professor of History of Political Institutions and since 2014 rector of the LUMSA University of Rome. Student at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris, has served as professor at the Università Cattolica di Milano (1992-1996) Teramo (1993-2011) La Sapienza Università di Roma (2005-12) and LUMSA (since 1996).
His research focuses administrative and constitutional history and analysis, studying both individual institutions and profiles of synthetic reconstruction. He has developed studies about Italian, French. European and Canadian institutions, as well as sport institutions. Among his books: Amministrazione e costituzione. Il modello francese (Carocci 1999), Storia costituzionale della Repubblica. Un profilo dal 1946 ad oggi (Carocci 2006), Le istituzioni sportive italiane. Storia e politica (Giappichelli 2007).
Andrea Francioni graduated in Political Science in 1992 from the University of Siena. In 1998 he took his Ph.D. in History of Africa (University of Pavia). Since 2005, he is an associate professor of History of International Relations and teaches History of International Relations (advanced), History of Asia and History of Africa at the Department of Political and International Studies of the University of Siena. Over the years he has carried out researches in Italy and abroad: London (The National Archives; School of Oriental and African Studies; The British Library), Paris (Archives Diplomatiques du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères; Bibliothèque Nationale), Uppsala (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), Geneva (Stefano Toscani Private Papers), Oxford (Bodleian Library), Belfast (The McClay Library – Queen’s University), Bristol (Chinese Maritime Customs Project – University of Bristol), Beijing (Beijing Foreign Studies University). He is the author of two books and a number of essays and articles on the diplomacy of imperialism. His current research interests include: Chinese foreign policy in the post-Mao era; western imperialism in the late Qing China. He is a member of the Association for Asian Studies (Ann Arbor, Michigan) and the Italian Society of International History (Padua). He is a member of the scientific board of “Africana – Rivista di studi extraeuropei”.
Giampaolo Malgeri is Associate Professor of History of International Relations and History of European Integration at Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA) in the Department of Economic and Political Science and Modern Languages. Since October 2015 he is the Head of the Department of Economic and Political Science and Modern Languages at LUMSA.
He has taught and conducted his research studies at the La Sapienza Università di Roma, the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, the Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) and at the University of Pisa, where he obtained his PhD in History, Institutions and International Relations of extra-European Countries. He has been collaborating with the Luigi Sturzo Institute and the De Gasperi foundation since several years. His main research interests are the history of Italian foreign and colonial policy, in particular the relations between Italy and the countries of the Horn of Africa, as well as to the European and Mediterranean policy of the Italian Republic. He’s member of the Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale (Padova) and the Scienfic Committee of Res Publica. Rivista di studi storico-politici internazionali. Among his publications: Una politica per l’oltreconfine. Le relazioni italo-britanniche nell’Etiopia nord-occidentale (1902-1914), Roma 2005; I deportati libici nel periodo coloniale (1911-1916). Raccolta documentaria, a cura di Giampaolo Malgeri e Salaheddin Hasan Sury, Roma-Tripoli 2005; La Democrazia cristiana di fronte alla Comunità europea di difesa, in La Comunità Europea di Difesa (CED), a cura di P.L. Ballini, Soveria Mannelli 2009; L’egemonia su Gondar. I tentativi di penetrazione italiana in Etiopia nord-occidentale tra diplomazia e commercio (1906-1914), in Storia, cultura politica e relazioni internazionali. Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Ignesti, a cura di Giampaolo Malgeri e T. Di Maio, Soveria Mannelli 2015.
Marco Mugnaini is Associate Professor of History of International Relations at the University of Pavia, Department of Political and Social Sciences, where he teaches History of International Relations and History of International Organizations. He was research fellow of CNR abroad. He was member of various national research groups and international research groups. He has coordinated the project 70 years of UN history. 60 years of Italy in the UN. He is author of essays and monographs. Among his books: Le Spagne degli Italiani. La “penisola pentagonale” tra politica internazionale e storiografia, 2002; L’America Latina e Mussolini. Brasile e Argentina nella politica estera dell’Italia (1919-1943), 2008; Diplomazia multilaterale e membership ONU. Prospettive di storia delle relazioni internazionali, 2015; and as editor: Stato, Chiesa e relazioni internazionali, 2003; Politica estera dell’Italia e dimensione mediterranea: storia, diplomazia, diritti (with S. Beretta), 2009; L’America Latina tra ieri e oggi. Prospettive interdisciplinari, 2013.
Full Professor in History and Institutions of African and Asian Countries at the Department of Political Sciences – University of Naples “Federico II”. Her main research interests focused on the history of the South West Indian Ocean, in particular Madagascar and the Horn of Africa. In the case of the Horn of Africa attention was paid to the US foreign policy. Among her publications: Il Madagascar nella vita di Raombana primo storico malgascio (1809-1855), Napoli, Giannini; Ralph Linton nel Madagascar (1925-1927). Una fonte per la storia della Grande Isola dell’Oceano Indiano, Napoli, Luciano Editore; Speciale Madagascar a cura di Laura Aga-Rossi e Liliana Mosca,“Bérénice”, anno XI,n. 27; Speciale Madagascar (II parte) a cura di Laura Aga-Rossi e Liliana Mosca, “Quaderni di Bérénice”, n.4; Slaving in Madagascar: English and Colonial Voyages in the second Half of the 17th century, Tadia – The African Diaspora in Asia: Explorations on a less Known Fact ed. by Kiran Kamal Prasad and Jean-Pierre Angenot, Bangalore, Jana Jagrati Prakashana; L’Africa potenza economica mondiale nel 2050? “Afriche e Orienti”,n.1-2; La guerra fredda nell’oceano Indiano occidentale da Truman a Nixon (1947-1974), in particolare in Etiopia e in Somalia , “Afriche e Orienti”,n. 3-4.