RSPI 2011/3


Emilio Colombo: aspetti del pensiero e momenti dell’azione politica europea

Maria Grazia Melchionni

This article reproduces, with some more details, the story told to Alessandra Peralta, film maker at Rai Educational, by Maria Grazia Melchionni on November 27, 2010 in Rome. It aims at showing how Emilio Colombo, who has been a protagonist on the European scene for more than thirty years – either as Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Industry and External Commerce, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Treasury, President of the Council of the Italian
Republic, either as member of the Monnet Committee and President of the European Parliament
–, contributed to building a united Europe.

Piccola cronaca di un viaggio a Mosca (gennaio-febbraio 1960)

Pietro Calamia

The Author, at the time young diplomat at the Press office of the Italian Foreign Ministry, makes a detailed account of the visit in the Soviet Union, in February 1960, by the President of the Republic, Giovanni Gronchi.

I cables di WikiLeaks. Gli Stati Uniti verso una diplomazia tripolare

Domenico Caccamo

The diplomatic cables published by Julian Assange’s organization illustrate the main directives of American foreign policy at the time of transition between Presidents Bush and Obama and during
the global economic crisis. They throw light on the events leading up to the Arab Spring and the Libyan War, showing that the United States’ aversion toward the regimes of Tunis, Cairo and Tripoli had deep roots.

The contemporary legal framework of the Arctic Ocean: are there impacts of diminishing sea ice?

Alexander N. Vylegzhanin

The article depicts the development of international law applicable to economic activities in the Arctic Ocean in the new environmental reality caused by diminishing sea ice. Special attention is paid to the interaction of universal, regional, bilateral and national levels of legal regulation of economic activities in the High North. Inaccuracies in legal assessments of status of the Arctic seas are noted.

Infrastrutture energetiche, traffici petroliferi e cambiamenti sociali. Il caso della Trans-Arabian Pipeline

Rocco Romano

Until the outbreak of the Six-Day War, the Suez Canal was the main access route to the Mediterranean for Arab oil. Programs for the development of pipelines in the Middle East region implemented after the 1967 war created a permanent alternative to using the Egyptian waterway, compromising the future of the canal as a strategic artery for intercontinental trade oil.

La questione degli Archivi sabaudi tra Italia e Francia: un auspicio

Giuseppe Vedovato

The transfer of the Savoy’ Archives from Italy to France, followed on from the Peace Treaty in 1947, constituted a loss of documents and historical heritage. The files indeed showed the tendency of the Savoia Monarchy, since the Middle Age, towards the organization and
modernization of the State institutions.

Sul Testamento politico del cardinale di Richelieu

Amedeo Benedetti

The article concerns the Political Testament of Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu.We provide a pragmatic approach to Richelieu’s fundamental book, by highlighting a few passages and comparing them with analogous statements of other personalities of the Seventeenth century, like Baltasar Gracián or Cardinal Mazarin.